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Cabin Fever - March

It all started on the 27th of Feb, we were warned that a big snow storm was going to set in from Russia and it was to get really bad.

I thought the same as a lot of people - "here we go - how bad can it actually get?" Is this the weatherman that works for Hovis trying to scare us again so that everyone goes to the Co-op and buys all the bread!!? We were not falling for it this time - I use the term we very loosely, as the shelves were bare before we even had an inch of snow!! How bad could it actually get, seeing as we haven't had loads of snow since 2010 - barely any in fact!

Have you ever heard of the boy that cried wolf? This is a classic case!!

Tuesday came and yep we got a covering. I went to work as usual, in for 9am. It started getting heavier but nothing we haven't seen before; it snows it lands then it melts. I do remember it being a different type of snow this time and it was a lot colder - cold and powdery a little how you hear snowboarders talk about these powder days.

I left work at 12 noon and the roads were getting a little slower and the snow was lying - I'm going to see how many times I can use the word "snow" in this post, it seems a lot already ha!! Very relevant though!!

It snowed (haha there I go again) on and off for the rest of the evening. I went to bed around 11:30pm leaving the curtains open this time as, if I woke I wanted to see the snow coming down - like old days when we would sit at the window with mum and dad and watch the weather outside from the snug room. I was getting a little excited at this point as there were some pretty big slow flakes!! I really wanted it to snow loads!!!!

I woke up the next day and it was bloody freezing I looked out the window in my room to huge icicles. I've only ever seen the this size up the College Valley when I've been with dad to work. It wasn't snowing but it certainly felt white outside judging by the brightness of my room and the fullness of the sky. Eeeeeekk!

I am a bit of an adrenaline junky so couldn't wait to go to work and drive in the snow this morning. I was told not to bother but I wanted to - if I couldn't get, well at least I will have had some awesome pics for the archive.

February 27th 2018

After this image was taken I went home and that was me stuck in until today - 3rd of March. I enjoyed it for a few days then started to be hit with cabin fever!! I just like to know I can get out if I want to - I hate being restricted and like to sometimes just take myself out for a walk or a swim.

Day one consisted of.........

As you can see it was pretty wild out and absolutely freezing. I used my watermelon donut from Thailand to hit the hill!! The boys absolutely love the snow and the freedom to just go! No sheep out due to the weather so we had the whole field to explore.



We live in Glanton in Northumberland - it's a small village with a lot of farmers, open space, dark skies and great walks - this being said when the snow hits we have to make our own fun as you do become a little isolated!! We as a little family love big walks with great views for taking photos - tricky climbs (for Ash not me) and open spaces for the boys without the cocker spaniel being a typical cocker and wandering off. Northumberland just has it all and suits our lifestyle to the ground.

Because we had to make our own fun and Ash had to work from home I spent a lot of my time just sketching and messing about with my watercolours. Art Therapy is amazing! It has the same feeling you get from being fit and in the zone at the gym, 1 out of 2 ain't bad haha !!

Here are a few sketches from this week for a bit of colour and fun.

Day two

Beautiful fish. The colours are amazing

Grannies Favourite Bird

People who know me know I'm not too far away form my camera or a pencil. I make my own entertainment, this week is no exception - I've felt caved in in the house but then I focused on making these little people come to life. I think I'm always going to be a big kid! I remember form school the books they made us take home as homework - they were just pictures and you had to make your own story. I've been making my own stories up in my head or on paper ever since 🙈

Also this week I've had some shocking meals, the healthy eating had gone from picking healthy to picking quick!! I know it's a downhill struggle as soon as this happens. It's so hard to change it though. I needed to get inspiration from good books and online blogs. Today has been a good day and hopefully the start of a good week too.

Oat waffles with berries and yogurt

Pesto Pasta with Rocket and Pine Nuts

Scrambled egg

healthy, lean and filling

b e a u t i f u l

Anyways we are all clear to leave Glanton for work tomorrow so tonight is for chilling watching rubbish on tv and getting an early night. I'm going to leave with some more images of the snow and hopefully see you all soon.

Battle Bridge, Twilight

Warkworth Bridge

Warkworth to Amble Stretch

The colours in these images are beautiful - I love shooting in the twilight hour it's magic - it also helps that I'm in one of my favourite places and you can't really take a bad picture in Warkworth.

We also on our way home saw 6 barn owls which was beautiful but sad as they don't normally live for very long in these conditions. They need heat and their prey generally burrow underground therefore cant be found and hunted. Gone are the days when you saw loads of Barn Owls Now its pretty special if you even see one.

Lets hope this snow fades quick and we can get back to some normality!!

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