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Frosty Mornings around Keeper's Cottage

Lilburn, Northumberland - Frosty Morning

I'm going to start by telling you all this is my first blog!! I'm seriously putting myself out there at the moment on "tinterweb"

This week alone I have made my website (just a little basic one but it's a start right!!?) I've made and uploaded my first video explaining a project I did at uni that's coming back to life on a larger more personal level with the support of some amazing people!! Shout out to them first as I really appreciate all the help and support people have given me. I'm a lucky girl. So thanks for this and my gorgeous (still very new) Husband Ash, along with family and friends too.

Confidence never let me do this before I thank nature!

Back to the job in hand!!! As a photographer living in a very rural location at the foot of the Cheviot Hills in Northumberland I am lucky enough to have so many locations and beauty spots to go and photograph, that being said I spend so much time saying to myself "aww that would make a nice picture" or "the light is perfect this morning for that" but I either don't have my camera with me or I'm on my way to work. I don't know about you but I seemed to spend so little time doing what made me happy or satisfied just because I was in so much of a hurry in life ALL of the time!! Well, not anymore!!

Today is Friday and I work from home catching up on editing and housework or commissions that maybe got cancelled due to weather or the like - today I got up early and packed my camera in the car and headed out to get my frosty morning images that I've talked and thought about for so long now!! I've gave myself a challenge to get up before morning light every Friday. We have so many country roads around here so each morning (any weather) I'm going to get in the car and just drive like this morning. Today I chose Lilburn.......

I didn't know what I was going out to photograph, I just went and stopped when something caught my eye (which was all the time). The good thing about this road was that it was so dead and unused bar by farmers that I could just park anywhere ( responsibly just incase) and get out to get my "that would make a nice picture" image!! And I did!! I have walked over ice, through leaves into fields, through fences (with permission might I add). Nature and the countryside is my tonic it serves me well and gives me such a buzz and love for where I live every time I spend time in it. I stood for a minute's silence and just breathed in the fresh air and listened to the birds rustling in the frozen ground. Then I continued to move on and get more of the beautiful images the location and weather gave me.

I'm going to call this route Keeper's Cottage as I went past a beautiful house that sits on its own, it's got amazing gardens and is right next to the river the noise is awesome - there was a man pottering in the garden cutting logs and tidying his shed. It was just perfect like something out of a fairytale - Northumberland is so like that though!!

This shetland was so beautiful, he suits a frosty morning scene for an image I actually took instead of made up in my head.

I've had to go out also as I cant get the colours green blue and white out of my head. I don't know why but I have known I needed to get them onto an image - now I have, this first image was just magical. The cloud looked photoshopped - it isn't I can assure you that. I had to perch on a wall to get this as I'm too short and the bush was getting in my way!

Now I have these images I have put them in my archive and made them into polaroids with the date and location and titled them Keeper's Cottage. Probably a project opportunity in them somewhere down the line.

Time for Coffee and Breakfast

I made this blog to show off where we live and give you an invite into my life as an artist, Its a stunning spot to live and work and the writing will get better I promise haha

Gotta go for now but feel free to find more of these images posted on Instagram

bye for now!!


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